The following files are included: Executables: DUFI.EXE Displays files to be sorted. Used by LSMENU. See DUFI.DOC. LSMENU.EXE Menu driven front end for LSORT. LSORT.EXE LSORT Utility, Command Line interface. See LSORT.HLP. LSRTOS2.EXE LSRT sort filter. Runs under DOS and OS2. LSORTX3.EXE Part of LSMENU. SELEFILE.EXE File Selection Utility. Used by LSMENU and LSORT. See SELEFILE.DOC OBJECT FILES (LSORT ONLY): DVINT.OBJ Desqview Aware Routines LSMERGE.OBJ LSORT.OBJ LSORTCMP.OBJ LSORTDBF.OBJ LSORTIO.OBJ LSORTPRM.OBJ LSORTQK.OBJ LSORTSUB.OBJ LSSORT.OBJ LSUSER.OBJ SCRSUBS.OBJ Screen Manipulation Routines Other Files: DUFI.DOC Documentation for DUFI LSORT.CRF Redirection file used when linking LSORT LSORT.HLP Help for LSORT LSORTLNK.BAT Bat file for linking LSORT SELEFILE.DOC Documentation for SELEFILE LSORT.DOC Documentation for LSORT and LSMENU